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Amazon Keywords

Amazon Keywords

Raise your hand if you despise keyword research… Join the club, my friend! But have no fear, not only have I researched over 830 broad keywords for you, but I’ve listed all 80,000+ of their results right here in this book! Inside you will: have access to over 830 broad keywords that span the full length of the romance and erotica genres including: christian, contemporary, multicultural, mystery and suspense, new adult, paranormal and many more!

Kdrama Fan Journal

Kdrama Fan Journal

The perfect gift for the K-drama lover in your life!Inside this 5 x 8 guided journal are 100 pages of k-drama love! Updated for 2020 this journal has master lists, monthly logs so you can see how your K-drama tastes change (or don't!), fun K-drama games & activities and more! This guided Korean drama notebook is to be used while enjoying your favorite K-drama shows on your favorite K-drama networks including Netflix, Hulu and Viki.

Something NEW

Something NEW

If you're looking for a new twist on how to write craft you won't want to miss the new book coming in 2021 from Marie Cole. Make sure you subscribe to her newsletter to stay up to date on the latest release news!

©2021 Marie Cole Books, LLC.
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