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Korean Drama Analysis - Kiss Goblin Ep 1

Writer: Marie ColeMarie Cole

I'm really looking forward to analyzing Kdrama's as a part of my blog and hopefully, I will soon get up the guts to be on camera and talk about it there as well. The first #kdrama I'm going to analyze is called #kissgoblin and I started the show on Rakuten #Viki. If you are not familiar with Viki, It's a streaming service that streams Asian dramas and movies. You have access to a lot of current Kdrama's and Chinese dramas and Japanese dramas and Thai dramas that are currently airing in those countries. Usually, the wait time is a day after it airs in that country, and then if you don't know those languages it takes time for the translation teams to translate those into English so there is a little bit of a delay to watch brand new things but Viki has a tremendous amount of content to watch so you'll never be lacking something.

So let's start with the drama Kiss Goblin. (You can watch Kiss Goblin for FREE on - I get no kickbacks by mentioning Viki - I just love them so much! 💕) I recommend watching the episodes before reading the breakdowns below because they will contain spoilers!

The Breakdown The description for Kiss Goblin mentions a 160-year-old goblin who wants to be human but in order to do so, the goblin queen tells him that he must take human form and kiss humans 10 times. He has the ability to make people be attracted to him. He's got magical powers so this doesn't seem like a hard thing to do but after he kisses a person, he learns one of the human emotions and has to then experience it. Once he has all of the emotions he can then become a human.

I picked this drama because it has a goblin, which sounds gross if you think about American goblins that are green and short and wrinkly and stuff, but in Korea goblins are immortals, like Gods. He also had this assignment of kissing ten different people and I wanted to see how this would play out knowing that this is a romance. It had me asking questions like... is she the last person he's going to have to kiss? Or is she immune to his charms and he has to fight to make her fall for him? This is how you know you have a great description. You want your readers (or viewers!) to be asking questions and dying to know the answers!

Okay, so let's break down this drama. Each episode is 12 minutes long and there are 12 episodes with a total running time of 140-ish minutes. It's episodic versus a movie so we'll see how the writers decided to chunk the content. Let's do this thang!

We are introduced to the hero quickly, he is wearing a long leather trench coat and all black. He's attractive and glances at a single girl at the bar. He pulls her outside and they just start kissing after some green smoke surrounds them. There is an overhead voice of the Goblin Queen telling the rules he must follow: To be human he must kiss ten different humans. We then cut to the heroine who is bussing tables. She is talking about herself, the writer is introducing her traits: she's hard working, she wants an ordinary life, and she hates people. We see why she hates people very quickly. She's taking a guy's order and he hits on her, demanding her phone number. She then asks him if he's having fun. This shows that she's not one to demurely smile and walk away - she's a fighter. We see more of why she hates people as it cuts to the drunken men in the bar she works in being dumb, vulgar and gross. Because I've seen this all the way through once I noticed the lead in to the forced proximity. The heroine is taking out the trash and asks her boss if he thinks they need another part time worker. She goes outside to take out the trash and this is their meet cute - he's in the alley kissing another girl like crazy. She stares at him with some longing and then she meets the guy's eyes and runs away. We see the wisp of smoke as her emotion passes to him and then he walks away from the girl who then startles, not remembering what just happened. The goblin touches his chest, and the Goblin Queen comes, teaching him about his first learned emotion. We are learning about the Goblin: he doesn't experience emotions. "It's empty, but why is it heavy?" He's contemplative. The Goblin Queen warns him that despite sounding easy this GOAL to become a human will be painful and difficult. She then gives him his second target, and asks why he wants to be human. His MOTIVATION is so that he doesn't have to be alone like the Goblin Queen who has been alone for 1000 years. (This is the Goblin's mirror. She will be the confidant and guide as he embarks on this journey. She is also the representation of a path he needs to choose between. Becoming human or staying a goblin.) The writer then takes us to the university where the heroine and her best friend are chatting. Through the convo we see again that she doesn't like people, men in particular, and that she isn't dating because of her ex who is the reason why she hates people. Her friend is the person who is telling her "Hey, dummy, you shouldn't keep hating people or you'll be bitter and alone." Not a direct quote, but that's the gist. The friend is also a medium in which we can learn more about the main character. The writer then sets up what's coming - the heroine tells the friend to enjoy dating and the friend says she will because a stranger asked for her number. We see that it's the Goblin. She describes him as handsome and that he has an aura that attracts people. The heroine says she's curious about him. And then goes to the library. While at the library we learn a little about her ex. They were lovey-dovey there, sharing loving flirting touches and embracing each other. She leaves the library and here's the setup for the hook: she sees her friend kissing the same guy she saw in the alley the night before outside of the place she works. A CHEATER - just like her EX! (The writer cuts to a scene of her seeing her boyfriend in a cafe embracing and flirting with another woman. She calls him and he ignores her call). She approaches them both and, because she's a fighter, she tells him that it's because of people like him that she hates people. She throws down her bag and punches him right across his face.

Further Analysis: So we have a woman who was cheated on (her wound) and the writer is setting her up with a Goblin (who actually isn't a human but wants to be), who has to go around kissing ten different girls in order to fulfill his goal, which ultimately is to not be alone. Let us note here that the hero doesn't have a presenting wound, just a goal. The heroine doesn't have a goal aside from working hard and going to school, but she does have a pretty big wound. She's attractive and has a temper. He's super attractive and is not overly emotional (yet). He definitely doesn't understand feelings. Hobbies: None Quirks: Her - temper Him - not having human emotions (yet) Secrets: Her: She was cheated on and is avoiding relationships (not a secret from her friend) She found the Goblin sexy when watching him kiss initially. (Her own secret) Him: He's a goblin and wants to be human so he won't be alone. In order to get that wish he needs to kiss ten humans of the Goblin Queen's choosing and after each kiss he takes one of their emotions. (secret known to Goblin Queen, his friend) Job: She works as a part time waitress and goes to college. Contrast: He's kind of dark and mysterious and very emotionally dead. She is the average pretty college girl with extreme emotions (anger). He doesn't want to be alone and she wants to be alone forever because of her wound.

Ready for episode 2? Stay tuned!



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